28 May 2021

A Ministerial Decision has been signed to make Midvale Road one-way to traffic, along with several other changes to improve the road for pedestrians. The work is due to begin early next year.
Narrowing the road to a one-way system gives space for the pavements to be widened, prioritising the road-use for pedestrians. To help maintain low traffic speeds, three speedbumps will be created.
Cyclists travelling southbound (away from Rouge Bouillon) will be able to use the road, but cars will not be able to overtake cyclists. Those travelling northbound will be rerouted to Dorset Street and onto Clearview Street, as agreed by the Parish Roads Committee.
Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said: "I am pleased that we will be prioritising Midvale Road for pedestrian use. The improvements will provide a safer and more enjoyable environment for active travel which supports Sustainable Transport goals.
"We ran a consultation on the project at the end of last year where over 200 Islanders responded and 60% of those who participated were in favour of the improvements. Over 500 pedestrians use the road daily, so I am sure it will be a change welcomed by many Islanders."