08 February 2021

​Following his nomination of Deputy Jeremy Maçon to become Minister for Children and Education, Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré has confirmed he has put forward Deputy Russell Labey for Minister for Housing.
Under plans that will be formalised by an Order, the Chief Minister intends to establish the Minister for Housing and Communities which will support the community work of the third sector, including developing closer links with departments who support the elderly.
Responsibility for children will fall under the Minister for Children and Education which current Acting Minister for Education, Deputy Jeremy Maҫon has been nominated for.
Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré said: “I am delighted to be nominating Russell as Minister for Housing and Communities. I know he will bring both experience and enthusiasm to this role and I look forward to working with him.
“This role will ensure that we will have a champion and support for good housing and for critical elements of our community.”
The election for this role will take place in the morning of Tuesday 9 February.