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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Preferred site for new government HQ

17 February 2021

gov HQ
The Government is now concluding the procurement process to build a new office development and is in the final stages of contract negotiations with Jersey Office Developments (1J) Ltd. to construct a new facility on the existing Cyril Le Marquand House site on Union Street.

The anticipated completion date is early 2024. It is forecast that the new development will help the Government reduce its office estate from 21 buildings to six, which will release sites for disposal that could be used for housing and other brownfield development. It will bring operational savings of up to ÂŁ7 million per year. Removing the need to invest in significant maintenance and refurbishment of the existing office estate will also bring further savings.

As well as bringing more services together in one place, providing more convenient access for Islanders, the new development will support the Island’s economic recovery from Covid-19 by providing employment during its construction.

Chief Minister, Senator John Le FondrĂ©, said: â€śMoving to a single headquarters will support the modernisation of our public services and help to provide improved services to Islanders, as well as deliver Ministers’ priorities more effectively.

“A new, modern and fit-for-purpose building will reduce our operational costs and address the legacy of underinvestment in office accommodation for our employees. It’s important that we improve the working environment, not only to support employees’ health and wellbeing, but to enable improved teamwork and collaboration across teams and departments. 

“As we are still in contract negotiations, and due to the commercially sensitive nature of this process, we cannot provide more detailed information yet. However, I am very pleased that we have reached this decision. It is positive for Islanders and for our town and will be a major step froward for our modernisation programme.”

The Government will lease the building for three years once completed, with an option to buy during that time. If that option is not taken up, the Government will agree a longer-term lease.
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