29 April 2021

The Coronavirus helpline is amending its opening hours from Tuesday 4 May.
Islanders will be able to call for advice and guidance between 8am-6pm Monday to Friday and 10am-4pm on weekends and bank holidays.
Over the last few months, the helpline has been receiving a consistently high volume of calls, particularly during daytime hours. Adapting the operating hours will mean more staff will be able to manage calls throughout busier periods of the day. In March, the average number of calls per hour made to the helpline after 6pm was 18, compared to an average of 111 calls per hour during standard office hours.
Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf said: "The helpline continues to be a vital resource for Islanders and we have a hardworking and dedicated team, working day in and day out.
"The Island is in a strong position, both in low case numbers and in high vaccination rates. As we continue through our reconnection roadmap, calls to the helpline in the late evening remain extremely low.
"During phase 1 of the vaccination programme, the helpline has been imperative for booking vaccination appointments for Islanders who didn't have access to the internet. With phase 1 is nearing completion and most older Islanders having now received both vaccination doses, as well as limited to no community spread within recent weeks, the demand for longer opening hours isn't as great.
"The drive through testing centre at the airport has also reduced its opening hours so if any Islanders are to call the helpline late afternoon or early evening, they will now be tested the following morning."
Islanders are reminded that they can call the helpline on freephone 0800 735 5566 or 445566.