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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

New Assistant Ministers announced

01 March 2021


The Chief Minister and the Minister for Children and Education have confirmed their intention to appoint two Assistant Ministers for the Ministry of Children and Education.


Deputy Jeremy MaŅ«on was elected Minister for Children and Education in the States Assembly on 9 February, and he has now decided to appoint two Assistant Ministers, Deputy Trevor Pointon and Deputy Scott Wickenden.


Deputy Pointon will be appointed with responsibility for the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) while Deputy Wickenden will be appointed to primarily assist the Minister's education portfolio.


Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Jeremy MaŅ«on, said: "I am pleased to have confirmed the appointment of these two Deputies. The wellbeing of the Island's children is one of our main priorities and we must work hard to ensure that our young people do not suffer from the disruption to their education that Covid has brought about."


Chief Minister, Senator John Le FondrĆ©, said: "The role of Minister for Children and Education is important and wide-ranging, and I am sure Deputy MaŅ«on will benefit from the experience and dedication of these two Assistant Ministers."


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