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Our Hospital business case published

22 July 2021

Jersey's new hospital at Overdale is deliverable within the original target budget, according to a business case for the project published today.

The Our Hospital Outline Business Case is a document which concludes that the proposed four-building campus, which will allow for a flexible and modern approach to patient care, is deliverable, will provide value for money, achieve key objectives and provide long-lasting social value and health benefits for the whole community.

As well as forecasting that the total investment required for the new hospital remains at Ā£804.5m, which includes contingencies, the business case also explains that continuing to refurbish the existing health estate over the next 40-50 years would cost more than building the new hospital at Overdale. It would also fail to bring the majority of the Health estate up to modern standards in an acceptable timescale, and it would not realise the immediate benefits that a new build would deliver for Islanders.

Senator Lyndon Farnham, Chair of the Our Hospital Political Oversight Group, said: "The business case has clearly demonstrated that our new hospital can be achieved within the budgeted cost and in time to be fully operational by 2026.

"At the same time, it will provide a health facility that is greatly improved on the previous iterations of the project. The main hospital building will consist of four hospitals in one: general, acute, ambulatory, and maternity and children's, together with a knowledge and training centre and mental health facility. It will be supported by a modern and highly efficient energy centre, and entirely set within landscaped gardens and parklands, in an elevated and peaceful location."

The Business Case document, which is a requirement of the Jersey Public Finance Manual on all major capital projects, is available to read on the Our Hospital website and will form the basis of the funding proposal for the hospital, which is due to be debated by the States this October. It is also being presented to the States as an official Report.

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