23 April 2021

More than 2,200 Islanders have so far visited the Our Hospital virtual public exhibition.
The exhibition, which opened a little over a month ago, provides information on the Overdale access strategy, landscaping in and around Overdale, some of the emerging designs for the new hospital and explains how the project will support the environment, as well as the economic and social well-being impacts of programme.
It also gives details on the public consultation programme and invites Islanders to offer their feedback and opinion across a range of areas.
Deputy Chief Minister, Senator Lyndon Farnham, Chairman of the Our Hospital Political Oversight group, added: "Continued engagement with Islanders will be key to the success of the Our Hospital project. This exhibition not only gives members of the public an update on the progress made to date, but also allows visitors to the exhibition to provide feedback and ideas, all of which are fed directly to the design and delivery partner."
Richard de Gruchy, Legacy Director for RoKFCC, added: "We are delighted to see that so many Islanders have been able to visit the virtual exhibition, where they can learn a great deal about the work underway and the work we are planning for the months and years ahead to bring Jersey its new hospital."
Visit the virtual exhibition here.