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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Our Stars 2021: employee awards

08 November 2021

Our Stars
Tomorrow evening (Tuesday, 9 November), employees from across Government and the States of Jersey will be celebrated for their achievements at the Our Stars awards evening.

Employees from across the public service will be recognised in 11 award categories at an event taking place at the Royal Jersey Showground.

Nominated, highly commended and finalists from all categories were nominated by their colleagues in the months leading up to the awards, with a total of 426 nominations submitted.

The evening is being sponsored by EY, JT, TDP Jersey, Marbral Advisory and ROK FCC Joint Venture, covering the food, drink and entertainment costs.

The event has been planned with Covid-19 measures and mitigations, in line with the latest government public health guidance. Attendees are taking lateral flow tests and having temperature checks beforehand, wearing masks in crowded sections of the event and have been instructed not to attend if they have any symptoms.

At the venue, there will be regular touchpoint cleaning and further supplies of hand sanitiser and face coverings available. All volunteers and staff working at the event will be wearing masks, and there will be temperature checks for all guests on arrival.

Chief Minister, Senator John Le FondrĂ©, said: “I am delighted that our annual staff awards can take place in person this year. It is an opportunity to recognise and thank colleagues for their dedication, service, and commitment to Islanders. 

“We place great importance on the safety of attendees and have taken careful steps to mitigate risks associated with Covid-19.”
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