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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Nearly all households respond to Jersey Census

10 August 2021

Jersey's census response rate this year is currently estimated at 99.3%.

Chief Statistician at Statistics Jersey, Ian Cope, said: ā€œThis is a world-class response rate that we can really be proud of. Iā€™d like to thank Islanders for their time and cooperation in completing the forms. The census is important to all of us, as it will inform the planning of a wide range of services in the Island, such as health, education and transport. 

ā€œTime is running out for the few households who are yet to complete the census, but they can still do so. Our census team are now in the final stages of follow-ups and those households should act fast to avoid the risk of a fineā€. 

It is anticipated that the headline population figures including the total population headcount and age/sex demographics, will be ready to be published in the first quarter of 2022.

Completing the census is a legal requirement and Islanders could face a fine of up to Ā£1,000 if they donā€™t submit their questionnaire. 

Final reminders will be sent to outstanding households by post in the coming days. Islanders yet to complete the census are encouraged to complete it online at

For more information, or to request a replacement paper questionnaire please contact the census office by emailing or calling 01534 444400. 
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