11 November 2021

​With the current increase in Covid-19 cases in Jersey, the Covid-19 helpline and testing centre are both in high demand.
To help reduce delay, Islanders are being urged to keep to their original appointment time for their PCR test, as this allows the service to test people as quickly as possible.
If an appointment needs to be cancelled, Islanders can call the coronavirus helpline, and can now also email cancelpcrtest@gov.je
If someone is unable to attend their appointment and wants to rearrange it, they are asked to call the coronavirus helpline.
Director of Testing and Tracing, Rachel Williams, said: “We are grateful to Islanders for their continued recognition that testing is an important measure to tackle the spread of COVID-19.
“From this week, we are making more test appointments available each day, particularly for people who have received a positive Lateral Flow Test and require a confirmatory PCR.
“Islanders are reminded to only book a symptomatic appointment if they have symptoms of Covid-19 (high temperature or fever, new continuous cough, loss or change to sense of smell or taste, headache, sore throat or runny nose).
“Please do not book a symptomatic appointment if you believe you are a Direct Contact but you have no symptoms. Please wait to be identified as a direct contact by the Contact Tracing Team, who will arrange a PCR test for you.”
Anyone who needs to rearrange their testing appointment is asked to call the coronavirus helpline on 0800 735 5566.