28 June 2021

Elizabeth Street will be closed to traffic on Tuesday 29 June to allow school children to play outside as part of a national 'Playing Out' campaign. The campaign is one of the Government's Sustainable Transport Strong Start initiatives.
The southern section of Elizabeth Street between La Route du Fort and Dicq Road will be closed between 08.00-18.00. Residents will still have access but will be escorted.
Over the school day, children at St Luke's School will be able to come outside to play games on the street in their school bubbles. They will have access to games and equipment like hula-hoops, bikes, chalk and more traditional games like hopscotch and straws & ladders.
Headteacher at St Luke's School, Adam Turner, said: "I am delighted that we have been granted permission to close the road for the day in order to allow children to get outdoors and play. After a year of reduced socialising, it is important to re-introduce outdoor social playtime to children."
"Unfortunately, we do not have much of an outdoor space at St Luke's School, so we are delighted to turn Elizabeth Street into a play street for the day and I hope to see it introduced in other streets across the Island over the summer months."
Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said: "By closing the road off to traffic as part of the Playing Out Campaign, we will be reducing the volume of air pollution in the area and creating a safe place for children to play outdoors. The closed road will encourage children to play outdoors on the streets the way that many of us will remember doing when we were children.
"I look forward to hearing how the day goes and hope more places in Jersey will follow the initiative and join in the campaign."
Islanders can register their interest by contacting ecoactive@gov.je.