07 December 2021

"The States Employment Board have acknowledged that an individual was
treated differently and unintentionally discriminated against as a result of their
hidden disabilities (ADHD and Autism) during a recruitment process. We
apologise for the way the individual was treated and the hurt this has caused
It is much regretted that an individual was discriminated against and placed at
a disadvantage as a result of their disabilities.
We have spoken with the members of staff involved and whilst we are satisfied
that there was no intention to cause distress, we must do more to raise
awareness within the workforce of hidden disabilities and working with disabled
people to ensure fair and equal treatment to prevent this situation arising in the
The SEB would like to assure the public that we will not tolerate acts of
discrimination either intentional or unintentional, it will be made clear to
everyone who works for us and uses our services that disability discrimination
as well as other acts of discrimination is against the law and our values and will
not be tolerated. It is recognised that we need to do more to train our employees
to prevent discrimination as well actively encourage the reporting of it. A
Diversity & Inclusion Strategy is being developed and details will be publicly
announced in due course. The SEB will ensure that all our policies are
consistent in confirming that we will not tolerate acts of discrimination.
We recognise the benefits of an inclusive and diverse workforce that does not
exclude anyone with a disability ensuring we draw from the widest possible pool
of talent for all roles across public services.
We have a duty of care to look after the wellbeing of all our employees, and we
are sorry that this has not been everyone's experience."