11 June 2021

Ahead of Diabetes Awareness Week 2021 (14-20 June), Health and Community Services has announced that The du Chemin Suite, the new diabetic retinal screening room at the General Hospital, is now open for patients.
The new suite, named in memory of the late Alain du Chemin who helped set up the retinal screening service in the Island, has now been fitted out with the latest screening technology.
The clinic includes a retinal screening camera, donated by Diabetes Jersey, an OCT scanner, which allows a more detailed 3D assessment of the health of eyes, and a slit lamp, a powerful microscope with a light that enables opticians to take closer looks at the different structures in the eye to detect diseases.
Programme Manager for Diabetic Retinal Screening, Sarah Evans, said: "If you have diabetes, your eyes are at risk of damage from a condition called Diabetic Retinopathy. Screening can detect the condition early, before you notice any changes to your vision. Diabetic Retinopathy is treatable, if caught early. We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of Alain du Chemin and Diabetes Jersey and delighted that the equipment is available for Islanders with Diabetes.
"The additional equipment donated by Alain has allowed a full retinal screening programme, in line with UK guidelines to be offered to Islanders for the first time"
Due to COVID-19, the Jersey Diabetic Retinal Screening Programme's (JDRSP) pilot clinic was suspended, however since January, the JDRSP has introduced:
- Daily clinics (both at the General Hospital and Overdale)
- Appointments and correspondence available in English, Portuguese, and Polish
- A new OCT scanner and slit lamp to allow surveillance clinics to start
Islanders living with Diabetes are advised to see their GP or visit www.gov.je/retinalscreening for more information or to book a screening.