26 October 2021

The States Employment Board (SEB) has published its response to the People and Culture Review carried out by the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel (CSSP).
The SEB welcomed the review, which reflected the Panel's remit to scrutinise the structure, strategy, policies and procedures of States Entities.
In particular, the SEB welcomed the level of interest shown by the Panel members in the organisation's people and culture, along with the desire and commitment to see ongoing improvements.
SEB's report provides a comprehensive response to the CSSP Review and outlines the work being carried out across public services in response to the 41 findings and 24 improvement recommendations made.
Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister and Chair of the States Employment Board said:
"I welcome the opportunity to share the significant progress already made by People and Corporate Services in many of the areas reviewed by the CSSP; as well as the opportunity to work on fresh recommendations made by the Panel, where they have identified further areas for improvement.
"The Panel's findings and recommendations have been assessed in detail. The areas where objective and independent insight - and supporting evidence - has identified areas for improvement are welcomed and those recommendations are accepted. Our report details the plans already being taken forward on those recommendations, and indeed expands further on some.
"Equally some of the findings and subsequent recommendations were found to be either factually or evidentially inaccurate, and so have been rejected. This may be, in part, due to a lack of wider context, appreciation of work already undertaken or actions already well-advanced. For example, there is no reference in the Scrutiny Review to the COVID-19 pandemic or the impact that providing a whole-organisation response has had on progressing objectives."
Where the recommendations are shown as already acted upon, or are rejected, the report details the rationale. SEB have also noted where they agree with the recommendations and identified the appropriate actions to be taken.