26 February 2021

​Jersey's Superintendent Registrar has published her Annual Statement for 2020 which provides insights into Islanders' key life events.
The report contains a number of key pieces of data from 2020 including the number of births, deaths, marriages and civil ceremonies as well as the most popular baby names registered over the twelve-month period.
A new inclusion in the 2020 report is an explanation of causes of death listed in death registrations as well as Covid-19 related deaths.
Claire Follain, Superintendent Registrar said:
"2020 represented a year where there was particular public interest in key life events due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. As a result, the 2020 Annual Statement provides more in-depth analysis than usual, including an explanation of how a death is registered and specific detail of deaths related to COVID-19."