13 April 2021

Students in Years 11 and above - as well as all staff working in Government of Jersey and private nurseries, schools and colleges - are encouraged to book a PCR COVID-19 test this week, before they return to school or college in Jersey after the Easter holidays.
Bookings can be made by calling 0800 735 5566.
Up to a third of individuals who test positive for COVID-19 have no symptoms at all and can spread the virus unknowingly. Therefore, this form of testing those without symptoms is vital.
Acting Medical Officer of Health, Dr Ivan Muscat, has again written to all schools and colleges to encourage them to book a PCR test this week.
Dr Muscat said: “COVID-19 positive cases in all schools and colleges in the Island remain very low. However, we must continue to keep our guard up and follow the public health guidelines and keep testing.
“Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Testing is part of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Testing is important to make sure that new cases of COVID-19 are identified so we can break the chain of coronavirus being passed on to other people.”
Every staff member in primary and secondary schools and colleges, as well as students in Years 11 and above will also continue to be offered weekly Lateral Flow Testing (LFT) for COVID-19 on their school premises after the Easter break.
Lateral Flow Testing (LFT) is designed to provide an additional layer of preventative safety measures in schools by detecting asymptomatic cases to help keep schools open, and keep children and young people in continuous face-to-face learning.
Dr Muscat added: “We would like to thank all schools and colleges, staff and students for their hard work and commitment to these testing programmes so we can continue to keep children, young people, staff and the community safe.”