16 June 2021

Following an increase in COVID-19 cases on-Island, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Dr Ivan Muscat, has written to the school community encouraging them to continue following public health guidance, and continue regular testing.
PCR tests are available every six weeks for all staff members in primary and secondary schools, and students in Year 11 and above. Bookings can be made by calling 0800 735 5566.
In addition, all staff members in primary and secondary schools, and students in Year 11 and above are offered weekly voluntary Lateral Flow Testing (LFT). LFT can provide an additional layer of protection by detecting COVID-19 in those who do not display any symptoms.
All schools continue to follow public health guidance, including maintaining physical distancing and bubbles where relevant; increasing ventilation in schools; wearing masks on school buses.
In addition, secondary school students – and all school staff – are encouraged to continue wearing masks in communal areas of school buildings, where they cannot maintain social distancing.
In his letter Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Dr Ivan Muscat, said: "I would like to thank the education community, students, parents and carers for their hard work and commitment, in keeping their guard up, so we can continue to keep children, young people, staff and the community safe.
"Jersey is the only place in the British Isles to have had schools, colleges and nurseries open all year. Keeping schools open is a critical element of the Government strategy to put children first and to ensure that there is no further loss to students learning. We know how little it takes to set all the good work back and none of us can afford to relax just yet.
"It is likely that schools will be affected by Covid-19 cases before the end of this summer term, so we need to keep our guard up and continue to be prepared."
Assistant Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Scott Wickenden, said: "We all want to avoid any further disruption for students, especially during the early years. We can reduce the likelihood of children unable to attend school by having to isolate, if we all continue to follow the guidelines."
Full guidance for schools is available on the Government of Jersey website: https://www.gov.je/Health/Coronavirus/EducationChildcare/Pages/EducationCoronavirusGuidance.aspx