01 April 2021
The COVID-19 Vaccination Programme has made steady progress administering second dose vaccinations to Islanders as today's statistics show numbers increasing up to Sunday 28 March. A total of 59,132 doses have been given with 77% of over 80s now fully vaccinated.
First dose appointments will open this month for people aged between 45-49, followed by 40-45s, as vaccination continues for all eligible groups who have not yet received a first dose. Second dose appointments remain by invitation only.
Key figures this week:
- 91% of 50+ have received a first dose
- 51% of all Islanders aged 18 years and over have received a first dose
- 77% of 80+ are fully vaccinated
- 89% of care home residents are fully vaccinated
- 85% of care home staff are fully vaccinated
- 74% of front-line healthcare workers are fully vaccinated
- 84% of clinically extremely vulnerable (high risk) have received a first dose
- 76% of clinically at risk (moderate risk) have received a first dose
Head of the Vaccination Programme, Becky Sherrington said: "Fully vaccinating Islanders against COVID protects them from severe illness and disease if infected, this will have a direct impact on hospitalisation and mortality rates.
"It is important that Islanders attend appointment times they are offered for second doses unless it is absolutely urgent to change it as the appointments, as we need to ensure that we have the right vaccine available on site at the right time. The vaccination centre is open all weekend over the Easter holidays and we are expecting a busy couple of days giving out first and second doses.
"We continue to follow the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation recommendations and advice and are on track to begin Phase 2 roll out at the beginning of this month to Islanders under 50. We will be releasing more information on appointment dates next week."
The Vaccine Priority Group Report, which outlines further details on the vaccine data, also shows that there remains little difference in take up across gender. A slightly higher statistic for female uptake in the 17-49 age group is due to a larger proportion of women working in healthcare settings.
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf said: "The news this week on the second dose take up is hugely encouraging as a second dose provides additional protection from infection.
"We are seeing good progress and I hope these figures offer reassurance to Islanders that our reconnection strategy, alongside the vaccination programme, is keeping people safe from the remaining threat of COVID and its variants.
"As we move through the stages of reconnection, I remind Islanders to continue following all public health measures while enjoying the easing of restrictions and socialising."
The COVID-19 Vaccine figures can be found online alongside this week's Vaccine Priority Group Report. Islanders 50 and over can book first doses online or via the helpline and second dose appointments are sent via invitation.