05 November 2021

Speed limits in 68 locations will be reduced in St Saviour from tomorrow (Saturday 6 November), following a public consultation in July 2019 which asked Islanders for their feedback as part of a Road Action Safety Plan to review speed limits.
Of these locations, 40 will have their speed limit reduced to 30 miles per hour and 28 will be reduced to 20 miles per hour. In many cases this is to provide safer routes to school for children and young families.
A full list of roads affected by the change in speed limits can be found on gov.je
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, has signed a Ministerial Decision bringing the new road laws into effect, he said; "I would like to thank everyone, especially the Parish for working with Infrastructure to deliver the changes on the network of roads in St Saviour.
"Our ongoing review emphasises road safety, with particular focus on reducing speeds within school vicinities, this will help to provide safer routes to school for children and young families. Elsewhere, lower speed limits are intended to enhance the environment for those living nearby.
"I appreciate such changes may take time to get used to, I ask motorists and road users to observe the new signs and familiarise themselves with the changes."
Sadie Le Sueur-Rennard, Connétable of St Saviour, said; "Ensuring the safety of Parishioners and schoolchildren in our community within St Saviour is important to me, that is why I am committed to delivering the Speed Limit Review which primarily focuses on reducing the Speed limit in School areas, precisely 43% of the speed limit changes on Parish roads are within vicinities of schools, Community centers and nurseries.
The Road Committee's aim is to encourage parishioners and children to walk to school, promoting a safer environment and a more attractive walking route for children and to make roads safer within schools and urban areas. Reducing speed limits in such areas will help keep children safe."