24 February 2021

On Tuesday 23 February, the Assistant Minister for Economic Development, policy officers and Jersey Sport held a consultation with over 100 individuals from sports clubs and associations around the Island to discuss the re-connection of sport and exercise.
With plans in place to start re-connecting adult outdoor sport from Monday 8 March, the minister, Jersey Sport and government officers held this important open discussion with sports clubs and associations to walk through the phased approach to re-connection, the protection measures they will need to put in place to keep their members safe and any variables that may affect the plans. Further consultation with the Chamber of Commerce and health and fitness businesses will be taking place later in the week.
Assistant Minister for Economic Development with responsibility for sport, Deputy Hugh Raymond, said: "The Government recognises the important role sport and exercise plays in improving Islanders' physical and mental health, as well as the economic benefit the health and fitness business sector and some of the larger sporting events brings to the island. Whilst we are keen to re-connect sport as quickly as possible, it is vital that we open up all public services in a phased, controlled and safe way to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
"This consultation was a vital step in supporting sports clubs and associations in making the necessary preparations to put the right risk mitigations in place, so that when it is safe to open up again, they are ready to do it in the safest way possible.
"I was delighted to see such a fantastic turnout on the call, representing the commitment on Island to ensuring all islanders are kept safe as we start to relax measures. The meeting provided a great platform for discussion and gave us more insight into the challenges clubs and associations face. I look forward to further engagement with the health and fitness businesses who I know have already been working hard on COVID safe preparations. We will use the feedback from across the sport and exercise sector to help us shape our phased approach to fully re-connecting sport."
Catriona McAllister, CEO at Jersey Sport said, "we will continue to work with Government officers on a daily basis and advocate for the return of sport in the most sensible way possible and when it is safe to do so. We're pleased with the attendance from the local sporting community attending the re-connection meeting and we will continue work on their behalf until we're all back playing the sports we love."
Sports clubs and associations have been invited to engage further in the consultation by sharing any questions or thoughts with Jersey Sport at coronavirus@jerseysport.je.