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Learning to recognise the signs of Child Sexual Exploitation

26 April 2021

Around 6,000 school children have been educated on how to spot the signs of Child Sexual Exploitation.

Child protection experts from across the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills, including staff in the Jersey Youth Service, recently worked with schools, to provide Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) information packs for PSHE lessons.


The Youth Service will be holding assemblies in schools for children and young people to help them understand and recognise the signs of CSE, and to know where they can go to get help and advice if they are worried about their own safety or that of others.  

Assistant Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Scott Wickenden, said: "Child Sexual Exploitation affects thousands of children and young people across the UK and although cases are low in Jersey, it is a real issue that needs to be taken very seriously.

"In pursuit of the identification and elimination of CSE, it is important to emphasise that the safeguarding of children in Jersey is everybody's business.

"Government departments, led by Children, Young People, Education and Skills, work in partnership with the Safeguarding Partnership Board, the States of Jersey and the Honorary Police, community organisations and others to raise awareness and improve interventions to prevent CSE in the first place and support those who are, nonetheless, victims of this type of crime in Jersey."

Jersey's safeguarding services are also developing services to better deal with Child Sexual Exploitation.


Mark Owers, Director of Safeguarding and Care said: "We have defined six key principles or addressing Child Sexual Exploitation with the young person at the centre. It is imperative that we work together to support the community and families as CSE is very complex and no agency can address CSE in isolation


"Collaboration is essential and knowledge in this area is crucial. Identification of CSE is not easy. Perpetrators are sophisticated in their grooming and manipulation of children and young people. Victims don't always realise that this is happening to them; or they are controlled and intimidated, making them fearful for themselves and their families and friends."

You can find more information, learn about what to look out for and get guidance on how to help to protect your child in our Child Sexual Exploitation: A guide for Parents and Carers leaflet

If you're worried about a child or young person, speak with someone at your child's school, call the Jersey Police on + 44 (0) 1534 612612 or the Children and Families Hub on +44 (0) 1534 519000 or visit Children and Families Hub on 

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