12 March 2021

Ministers have agreed additional guidance to support Stage 4 of the COVID-19 Reconnection plan which are effective from Monday, 15 March.
The reconnection stages have been recommended by the Scientific and Technical Advisory Cell (STAC) and approved by the Competent Authority Ministers, subject to positive cases remaining low.
From Monday, 15 March:
- Indoor sport and exercise, including swimming, can resume with no restriction on intensity (subject to 2-meter distancing)
- 45 people can participate in outdoor sport (children and adults)
- Household mixing can resume (from Sunday) with up to 10 people
- Indoor children’s play activities can resume with up to 10 people
- Amusement arcades and activity centres can reopen (subject to 2-meter distancing)
- Singing and music groups can meet indoors, up to 10 people
- Singing in schools increased to 15 children
The Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré said: “Jersey is in a good position, we have not seen an impact in cases following the reopening of hospitality over two weeks ago. This shows that Islanders and businesses are doing well to reduce and prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
“Public Health officials have developed supplementary guidelines to accompany the relaxations in areas outlined under Stage 4 reconnection. The guidelines and measures support our intention to allow for our reconnection to happen carefully and cautiously, to avoid COVID-19 spread and the need to rescind any relaxations. This is our route to regaining our freedoms and we are all responsible for ensuring a safe transition.
“We can once again all enjoy this partial lifting of restrictions from Monday, but we should do so with the safety of ourselves and others, as well as the security of businesses, in mind.”
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf said: “The activities permitted under Stage 4 have a focus on health and wellbeing. We know these areas offer huge benefits for Islanders in keeping active and social which have been missed for the past few months.
“I’m really pleased that it is now safe to reopen indoor sports and exercise and increase outdoor participation for some sport to 45 people. It is important to understand the guidance, which applies to each area, and focus efforts on maintaining high standards of adherence to wider public health measures which remain in place, such as keeping 2 meters away from those you don’t live which remains law within indoor sport and exercise and the uptake of frequent hygiene measures.
“Our vaccination programme is going so well; the team have now vaccinated 92% of those over 60 with a first dose. This level of protection shouldn’t be an opportunity for anyone to drop their guard and I thank Islanders for their ongoing support while we exit restrictions. The next 3 months could be really positive if we all remain vigilant.”
Plans for reconnecting the Island through the Safer Travel Policy, and the reintroduction of a traffic light system for travellers arriving in Jersey, are due to be considered by the Council of Ministers. An update on the border policy will be announced in the next week or so.
Current guidance can be found online at www.gov.je/coronavirus.