02 February 2021

Covid-safety measures have been put in place in St Helier to prepare for the reopening of non-essential shops tomorrow (3 February). These measures will ensure at least 2-metres distancing between shoppers, support the safe flow of pedestrians around the town area and recommend mask-wearing both indoors and out.
The measures include:
- the removal of bins and benches where space is limited, and where they could interfere with the flow of people around town
- new signs encouraging pedestrians to keep left and stay 2-metres away from each other
- floor signs and chevrons delineating 2-metre spacing
- a recommendation that people shopping in St Helier should wear masks inside and out when moving between shops
A safe opening checklist for retailers has been issued, following engagement with key business stakeholders. The checklist emphasises the need to follow all existing guidance and to make shops COVID-secure.
The checklist includes the following:
- ensure staff do not come into work if they think they have symptoms of COVID-19
- ensure all staff attend workforce screening regularly
- complete a Covid-19 risk assessment and review it at least monthly
- clean touch points, and all shared equipment in shop and staff areas, regularly
- limit the number of customers to ensure 2-metre or more distance
- maximise ventilation
Information on the government website is also being updated.
Covid Support Team
15 members of the Contact Tracing team have formed a new Covid Support team which will be deployed from tomorrow (Wednesday 3rd February). They will offer advice about business continuity and explain the actions Contact Tracing will take in response to any confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the workplace. They will also provide Covid Safe checklists and Covid Risk Assessments.
The Team Leader, Paul Stirzaker, said: “This team has been established to help retailers provide a safe shopping experience for Islanders. We have liaised with the industry and will now be visiting all retail outlets to offer our support. Retailers will be able to book a visit from the team, who will explain the mitigations shops should have in place to keep shoppers safe, and the process they must follow if there is a confirmed case.”
Phased reopening
Ministers agreed to reopen non-essential shops following advice from the Scientific and Technical Advisory Cell (STAC), and in view of the continuing high levels of testing finding only small numbers of positive cases.
If the test positivity rate remains low, close contact services like hairdressers and other beauty services will reopen on 10 February. These measures will remain in place for at least three weeks before any further relaxations are considered.
The Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, said: “We are reopening Island services in phases so we can assess the impact of each change we make, and prevent a rapid increase in social contact. We will look again, in three weeks’ time, at the options for further reconnection.”
From tomorrow, the States of Jersey Police will have extra patrols in and around St Helier, as well as at various other locations across the island, in support of Government guidance and regulations.
Government guidance remains that people should not meet in each other’s homes or gardens but should meet outdoors, where two-metre distancing is easier.