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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Ministers announce details of travel for children and COVID Status Certification

21 May 2021

COVID Status Crtification logo is coming soon

​Following advice from Public Health, and in consultation with the Scientific and Technical Advisory Cell (STAC), Ministers have announced details of the Children's Safer Travel Policy and the COVID Status Certification.

From Monday, 7 June, a blanket Green policy for all children and young people under the age of 18 who are travelling from Green or Amber regions will be adopted over the summer months.

Children under the age of 11 years old arriving from a Green or Amber region:

  • will not be required to register for travel using the pre-travel registration form
  • will not be required to undergo PCR testing.

Young people aged 11-17 years old arriving from a Green or Amber region:

  • will be required to register for travel using the pre-travel registration form
  • will be required to undergo a PCR test upon arrival and on Day 8
  • will be required to isolate until the negative result of a Day 0 test.

Children and young people under the age of 18 who are travelling from a Red region will continue to be classified as a red arrival and must follow the 10-day isolation guidance, with Red regime testing requirements for those aged 11-17 years old.

The policy has been developed in consultation with the Children's Commissioner for Jersey.

Assistant Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Scott Wickenden, said: "I'm pleased the Policy has been developed with children's health and wellbeing at the fore. Formal advice was received from the Children's Commissioner who was satisfied there had been an examination of the potential impacts on children and young people.

"The travel requirements for children and young people are appropriate for their age groups, with testing requirements for older children being proportionate given the slightly increased risk of this age group socialising outside of the family. The overall risk for children is low, they have a lower susceptibility to infection than adults and comprise a relatively small proportion of our travellers.

"Throughout the pandemic, it has been vital that we've captured the views of children and young people in relation to COVID-19, which clearly articulated concern for their health and the health of others, and asked that they be kept safe from harm. I'm confident that the children's travel policy satisfies our commitment as a Government to Put Children First."

Public Health will continue to review the policy in line with progress of the vaccination programme.

Ministers have also announced further details of the first phase of the COVID Status Certification for Islanders.

By Thursday, 10 June, secure paper certificates will be delivered to all Islanders who have received their second dose of the vaccine on or before Friday, 28 May. This paper format of certification will provide Islanders with secure written proof that they have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. This may be required by other countries for several reasons, including entry at the border.

Following the initial mailout, the programme will automatically send a secure printed certificate to those who have received their second dose of the vaccine. Islanders should expect their paper certification to arrive within two weeks after their second dose.

The updated Safer Travel Policy allows for fully vaccinated passengers to have reduced testing and isolation requirements known as a 'green light' status when entering Jersey from Friday, 28 May.

Islanders who have received two doses of the vaccine in Jersey will not need to show their COVID Status Certification letter when travelling within the UK or entering Jersey. Those Islanders who wish to declare that they are fully vaccinated to benefit from a 'green light' status will be asked to input their Social Security number into their pre-travel registration form before arriving in Jersey. This will allow their vaccination status to be automatically verified when they arrive into the Island.

Visitors to Jersey with a Green or Amber travel history, who have been fully vaccinated in the Common Travel Area, will be able to enter the Island with a 'green light' status providing they complete the pre-travel registration form and provide approved Certification from their country of residence.

Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf, said: "I'm very pleased at the progress that has been made to ensure we are making COVID Status Certificates available for those Jersey residents who are fully vaccinated. Paper COVID Status Certificates will be sent out at the beginning of June for Islanders to demonstrate secure evidence of vaccination.

"It's also very welcome news that fully vaccinated Islanders travelling over the half term break who wish to take advantage of reduced testing and isolation requirements on return to the Island, will not need a hard copy of their certificate to receive the benefits of our updated Safer Travel Policy.

"Between now and when the certificates arrive, I'd like to remind Islanders to not contact their GP surgery or the vaccination team for evidence of vaccination. Certificates are being delivered to the address that Customer and Local Services hold for individuals. Islanders who have recently moved home and not updated their address with CLS should via the Government of Jersey website or by calling Customer and Local Services on +44 (0)1534 444444 between 8:30am and 5pm Monday-Friday."

Anyone who does not wish to receive a paper COVID Status Certificate providing secure evidence of vaccination can opt out by contacting the Coronavirus helpline on: 0800 735 5566.

Further details about the COVID Status Certification will follow.

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