01 April 2021

Two further independent reports, looking at urban design and the public realm in St Helier have been published. The reports have contributed to the development of the new draft Bridging Island Plan, which is due to be published in April.
The St Helier Urban Character Appraisal, produced by Willie Miller Urban Design (WMUD), updates an earlier 2005 appraisal and examines what has changed in recent years. The report also suggests ways to improve building design in town and looks at the kinds of development challenges St Helier is facing.
The Public Realm and Movement Strategy (PRMS) reviewed how people and vehicles move into and around St Helier. Following a public consultation and engagement with stakeholders, the study describes how St Helier's network of streets and streetscape could be improved to help increase walking, cycling and use of public transport. The report will guide public realm improvements in the coming years.
Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, said: "I'm really pleased to be able to share both of these important reports, they have allowed us to identify positive ways that the draft Bridging Island Plan will be able to help shape the development of town for all Islanders to enjoy for generations to come.
"Those undertaking the appraisals were particularly impressed by how areas of existing regeneration, like the Millennium Town Park, show the positive impacts that good planning and urban design can have.
"As we are getting closer to publishing the draft Bridging Island Plan, and the launch of the 12-week public consultation, these reports and the others that make up the evidence base show the high level of quality work which has been commissioned to bring this plan together.
"It is a testament to the hard work everyone has demonstrated in these extraordinary times."
A 12-week public consultation on the draft Bridging Island Plan will begin week commencing 19th April 2021.