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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Islanders join support team for vaccination programme

12 January 2021


Over 200 Islanders have joined the COVID-19 vaccination programme as volunteers to work as part of the support team.

Islanders were sent the job specification through the Government’s partnership with and will be assisting the overall management of the vaccine programme as support marshals.

The Government’s Connect Me programme, which was set up at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, has been working with the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) to harness the willingness of Islanders who are keen to offer their time to help others. 

Volunteers will be providing assistance with marshalling and will help provide a safe environment for Islanders.

Vaccination Programme Workforce Lead, Senior Nurse, Aisling Adams said: “It is extremely reassuring to see this many volunteers to help the Island at such a critical time. 

“Helping Islanders through this process is of utmost importance and these volunteers will bring a huge amount of support to the workforce and community.”

Minister for Social Security, Deputy Judy Martin said: “Islanders have shown exactly what we can achieve when we collaborate in the voluntary and community sector. 

“Keeping Islanders safe and well is of paramount importance and this volunteer programme will reassure Islanders that there is always support available.”

Any Islander wishing to volunteer should visit

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