03 December 2021
Almost 200 students, across four secondary schools, have taken the opportunity of having their first COVID-19 vaccination at school in the first week of the programme.
The COVID-19 Vaccination Programme was rolled out this week (Monday, 29 November) for eligible students, aged 12 and over.
The vaccination team have visited four schools so far, where a total of 179 secondary students have been vaccinated. The programme will continue in secondary schools and colleges until 13 December.
The recommendation to administer the vaccination programme in secondary schools and colleges, from Competent Authority Ministers, followed advice from Public Health in consultation with the Scientific and Technical Advisory Cell (STAC).
Children and Education Minister, Deputy Scott Wickenden, said: "On behalf of the Council of Ministers, I would also like to thank all young people, aged 12 and over, who have taken up the vaccine in their school and our school leaders who have welcomed and accommodated the roll-out of this programme at a busy time of the year. Your efforts are very much appreciated and will help to give young people a good defence against COVID-19 and continue to keep them in school.
"The programme continues in secondary schools and colleges next week and I would urge those who have not yet had their first vaccine to take this opportunity to get vaccinated at school."
Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf, added: "I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those students who have taken up the offer of the COVID-19 vaccine in schools, as well as the team who have launched this programme and the schools for their continued support. Vaccination continues to be a vital defence against COVID-19, particularly with cases increasing in Jersey, and the emergence of the Omicron variant in the UK."
Parents can still return their child's COVID-19 school vaccination consent form to school. Consent forms must be handed in before nurses visit but will still be accepted on the day of vaccination. Students aged 16 and above are able to sign the consent form themselves and parents are encouraged to have a conversation with their child about this.
To coincide with roll-out of the Vaccination Programme in Schools, the Government launched a communications campaign to engage with young people, through schools, youth clubs and social media to ensure information on the COVID-19 vaccine was shared in a youth-friendly format.
Last week, 20 students, from Year 11 at Haute Vallée secondary school, put their questions on the COVID-19 vaccine to the Children and Education Minister, Deputy Scott Wickenden, Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Dr Ivan Muscat, the Head of the Vaccination Programme, Becky Sherrington, and Education Group Director, Seán O'Regan.
Haute Vallée Headteacher, Stuart Hughes, said: "It was an honour and privilege to welcome the panel to Haute Vallée last week. Thank you to the panel for engaging so well with our Year 11 students to answer all questions regarding the vaccination programme. You can hear the audio of the question-and-answer session using this link."
Deputy Wickenden added: "Thank you to all the students for their insightful and informative questions and to the headteacher, Mr Hughes, for his time. The panel were really impressed and it gave us all a valuable opportunity to hear directly from young people on their views of the COVID-19 vaccine."
The most viewed video this week on the Government of Jersey's TikTok channel, Gov Life, received more than 1,500 views compared to previous videos averaging around 200 views. There have been 14 questions asked directly to medical experts through the QR code and four young people have contacted the Government to be part of a young people influencer scheme to help create content for TikTok.
You can watch some of the videos here:
GovLife TikTok - YouTube
TikTok - Why is the Covid vaccine now being offered in schools in Jersey? - YouTube
TikTok - Is it true you can still catch covid even if vaccinated? - YouTube
TikTok - Why should I get the vaccine? - YouTube