20 July 2021

Almost 5,000 Islanders have booked their first dose since the 'Time is Running Out' campaign launched at the end of June. This raises the total number of Islanders with at least one dose to 72,703.
The campaign aimed to encourage Islanders aged 18 and over who had not yet had their first vaccine dose to book an appointment so that they could be guaranteed full vaccination by mid-August.
Additionally, as at today (Tuesday 20 July), 57,631 Covid Status Certification letters have been sent out to fully vaccinated Islanders. This equates to approximately 97% of all fully vaccinated Islanders.
Head of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, Becky Sherrington, said: "Jersey's Vaccination Programme is world-leading, and our uptake among eligible Islanders continues to grow week on week. The Time is Running Out campaign was successful as we saw another 4,955 Islanders coming forward for their first doses within just four weeks of the campaign.
"Those Islanders will receive an automatic invitation for their second dose and will be fully vaccinated by the middle of August, so they can enjoy the summer knowing they have afforded themselves good protection.
"Young Islanders continue to show enormous enthusiasm coming forward for their vaccines, as at Wednesday 14 July, almost 60% of Islanders aged 18-29 received a first dose. I'd like to ask those Islanders to encourage their friends and relatives to book their vaccination appointments, as we know infection rates have increased within the younger age groups, so it is more important than ever for those Islanders to get vaccinated."
There is no need to call the helpline as second dose appointments will be sent out as early as possible based on the vaccine supply available. It's important for Islanders to attend the appointment date and time given to them to ensure the team have the right vaccine available.