08 July 2021

The latest COVID-19 vaccination statistics as at Sunday 4 July, show that 82% of all adult Islanders have had at least one dose of the vaccine, and 63% are fully vaccinated.
Additionally, 55% of Islanders aged 18-29 years old have received their first dose.
Other key vaccination statistics:
• 94% of those aged over 50 are fully vaccinated
• 87% of those aged over 40 are fully vaccinated
• 75% of those aged over 30 are fully vaccinated
• 126,554 total doses administered
• 71,444 first doses administered
• 55,110 second doses administered
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf, said: “The success of the vaccination programme has been a key factor in being able to reconnect and lift restrictions. The vaccine provides a 90% level of protection for all adults against severe illness. We are starting to see in real time, the impact the vaccines are having on infection, which is positive good news as we move towards a place where Covid no longer needs to restrict our freedoms.
“The vaccination programme aims to fully vaccinate all adult Islanders and it is great to see that well over half of Islanders aged 18-29 have had at least one dose of the vaccine. We must keep this momentum up in order to protect our vital services. I urge all those Islanders yet to get vaccinated to please book an appointment.”
Head of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, Becky Sherrington, said: “I would like to continue my thanks to those Islanders who are getting vaccinated, we are seeing more and more people coming for their first or second dose from all priority groups.
“It is important that those who have not had their first vaccine ensure they make an appointment. The greater the vaccination rate, the greater chance we have of curbing serious illness in our community and subsequent severe disease developing, hospitalisation and death.”