29 January 2021

The Minister for Health and Social Services has made an amendment to the COVID-19 (Workplace Restrictions) Order which means that anyone who enters retail premises must always wear a mask while on site.
The Order now requires everyone entering retail premises, whether that is as a customer or for work (such as delivering, repairing or cleaning), must wear a mask for the duration of their time spent on the premises.
Currently staff in retail businesses are required to only wear masks in the presence of customers.
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf said: “This small but important change to mask requirements, to capture more interactions between staff, will mean greater protection for retail staff and customers. It will also help further protect our essential supply chains from COVID-19 transmission.
“This Order has been amended solely for retail premises on the basis that many people access these spaces and entry cannot be controlled as it can in other business.”
The Order is effective from 00:01 Saturday 30 January and any business found to be in breach of this Order will be liable to enforcement measures and legal action.