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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

World Hepatitis Day 2021

27 July 2021

ā€‹Hepatitis can affect anyone is the message from Jersey's Blood Borne Viruses (BBV) service for World Hepatitis Day 2021 (28 July).

All types of viral Hepatitis can be controlled or prevented and can affect anyone, irrespective of race, age, and gender. If diagnosed early, serious health problems can be prevented.

The Blood Borne Viruses Department of Health and Community Services is joining a worldwide campaign to raise awareness of Hepatitis and Islanders are able to get a free test on Wednesday 28 July at the General Hospital or ring the number below for advice.

Clinical Nurse Specialist, Michelle Mulhall, said: "Across the world, a person dies every 30 seconds from a Hepatitis related illness. Treatment is available and if concerned Islanders wish to talk, we advise them to speak with their GP or health professional".

Islanders who are unsure whether they are at risk or don't know their status can ask for advice by contacting the Blood Borne Viruses Department on 01534 444319 or by emailing

The Blood Borne Viruses Department have set-up a web page with further information on Hepatitis.

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