24 February 2021

​A summary of responses to a consultation has been published, setting out the retail industry’s views on the minimum price for bags for life, and how the banning of single-use plastic could be extended to other items.
The consultation asked Jersey retailers for their views on what the minimum price should be. The average charge suggested by retailers was 70p per bag for life, with a six-month lead time from the date of introduction.
Respondents also said they would be very supportive if current legislation were extended to reduce the use of other avoidable single use items such as disposable cups and straws.
Deputy Kevin Lewis, Minister for Infrastructure, said: “Reducing the use of disposable bags, and setting a price to encourage the repeated re-use of bags for life, are important steps in changing shoppers’ behaviour. Having a set price for a bag for life should extend the habit that many Islanders already have, of re-using their bags. Many people do it when they go to a supermarket, the next step is for them to re-use them all the time.
“I would like to thank the retailers that took part in the consultation; their responses are being used to develop legislation that is expected to be debated by the States Assembly later this year.”
The four-week consultation closed in September 2020, and the report outlining the consultation findings is now available from