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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Support for Child Safety Awareness Week

07 June 2021

ā€‹Jersey's emergency services have come together to support Child Safety Awareness Week 2021.

Run by the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT), Child Safety Week is an annual campaign that aims to act as a catalyst for conversations between parents and guardians to build confidence and skills to ensure the upmost child safety.

Jersey Fire and Rescue Service, States of Jersey Ambulance Service, and States of Jersey Police have produced a series of child safety videos to roll out through their social media channels for the week (7-11) June, aimed at parents and guardians, offering advice in simple steps for some of the most common yet potentially dangerous situations children may encounter.

Andy Gallie, Watch Commander for JFRS said: "JFRS supports Child Safety Week because we regularly see how everyday situations can pose a risk to safety if precautions aren't taken to avoid the dangers. This is particularly prevalent to children who are still learning, growing and understanding the world around them.

"Many accidents can be prevented if the correct safety measures are put in place, so please do take a look at the services' social media channels for some simple tips to ensure the safety of your family."

Lucy Walsh, Leading Ambulance Paramedic added: "We know that accidents will happen, it's part of life; by sharing advice on what to do in some of the most common situations involving children, we hope that parents and guardians will feel more empowered and confident in their own ability to provide emergency care, but also know when it is time to call us for help."

Callum O'Connor, Inspector at SoJP said: "The main objective of the police is to protect the public, but we also need to make sure we educate islanders to know what to do themselves, if they do find themselves in danger. Ensuring children know what to do in an emergency from a young age is one of the top tips I would give to parents and guardians."

For more information on Child Safety Awareness Week, see here.

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