01 February 2021

An Island-wide discussion on how Jersey should tackle climate change will formally launch today, Monday 1 February.
All Islanders are being asked to get involved in Jersey’s Climate Conversation, an online discussion on
www.climateconversation.je. The first phase of the Conversation, over the next six weeks, will enable everyone to explore the issue of climate change and contribute suggestions on how Jersey can become carbon neutral.
The launch will also see 9,000 randomly selected households receive an invitation to join the Climate Change Citizens’ Assembly, which will meet for two months form the 13 March.
Deputy Jess Perchard, Assistant Environment Minister said:
“Climate change is a huge issue which will require us all to do things differently. During our Climate Conversation campaign, we want to hear from everyone in our community so that we can determine what we need to do to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.
“Engaging our young people must be part of the development of climate solutions because they are the ones who will inherit the problems. If you’re aged 16 or older and you receive an invitation to join the Citizens’ Assembly on Climate Change, please do put yourself forward.
“The easiest way to get involved over the next six weeks is to go to:
climateconversation.je, look at the weekly topic, discuss your ideas with your friends and family and share them with us. This is about determining what changes we are going to make as a community, so we’d like everyone to be involved.”
A different issue will be highlighted each week during the Climate Conversation, with new information updated on
climateconversation.je, and questions from the public answered:
- 1 February - Why do we need to talk about climate change?
- 8 February - Heating
- 15 February - Transport/active travel
- 22 February - Jersey context
- 1 March - Wider emissions
- 8 March - Moving from conversation to action: making a pledge.
The suggestions made during Jersey’s Climate Conversation will be submitted to be considered by the Citizens’ Assembly and will be published for all to read. From the people who respond to the invitation, 45 who reflect Jersey’s demography will be chosen. Between 13 March and 12 May, they will consider the issues in greater detail and then put forward recommendations which will go before the States Assembly.
Deputy Perchard said: “Jersey’s Climate Conversation provides the opportunity for everyone in our community to contribute to the debate. Ideas shared during this campaign will shape the big decisions that we will need to take later this year. I’m eager to hear our community’s views on how we can achieve our climate goals, together.”