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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Countryside Enhancement Scheme open for applications

27 May 2021

ā€‹Islanders are being encouraged to submit their applications for any environmental projects that may qualify for a grant to help conserve and enhance Jersey's countryside.

The Countryside Enhancement Scheme (CES) has been running since 2006 and this year launches on Monday 28 June. It supports projects that will benefit the natural environment on a local, island-wide or international basis.

Scott Meadows, Head of Biosecurity said: "I am pleased to announce the launch of this year's scheme, it is an opportunity for successful applicants to make a difference in helping to maintain and improve the Island's unique rural character, landscape, habitats, flora and fauna.

"We welcome applications from farmers, growers, land managers and owners, businesses, charities, schools, Government Departments and the general public. This year applications can be made online before 28 June."

 The CES has supported a wide range of projects which have benefited Island wildlife, the environment and rural businesses, including:

  • The Pollinator Project was awarded a grant for the purchase of pollinator seed for community based projects across Jersey helping to raise the importance of pollinators.

  • The National Trust For Jersey was awarded a grant for hedgerow planting to help create wildlife corridors linking up habitats.

Applicants have until Monday 28 June 2021 to submit their applications.

Apply for the Countryside Enhancement Scheme

 For help or an informal discussion please contact Scott Meadows, Head of Biodiversity on +44 1534 441600 or

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