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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Government Plan amended and approved by States Assembly

17 December 2021

​The Government Plan 2022-25 – which sets out the strategic and spending priorities for the Government over the coming four years – has been approved by the States Assembly, by 35 votes to 7, with 2 abstention.

5 members were either not present for the vote, ill or excused.

The Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré said:

"States Members have provided their customary thoughtful and robust challenge during this four-day debate.  The Plan, which combines a four-year package of spending, investment, efficiencies and modernising proposals, has now been scrutinised by Members.

"The Council of Ministers carefully considered all of the amendments put forward and accepted or amended a number of them. The Plan now includes revised ImpĂ´t duties on alcohol, provisions that the Covid debt will be repaid by the end of 2026, bus passes for under 18s and funding for a new playing field at First Tower.

"The Plan builds on and realises the ambitions of this Council of Ministers, which we've pursed over the last three years.  It addresses legacy issues that we inherited, while also delivering sustainable public finances."

The Government will continue in delivering the Council of Minister's Common Strategic priorities, through initiatives such as:

  • developing the Intensive Youth Support service
  • implementing the Jersey Care Model
  • delivering the Island's first Economic framework
  • debating an ambitious Carbon Neutral Roadmap; and
  • providing a new skatepark.

The Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, said:

"I'd like to thank all of those who have worked on and considered the Government Plan, including officers, our Scrutiny Panels and States Members, and I'm pleased that it has been adopted.

"In this plan we have set out a clear path for recovery and renewal for both islanders and our economy. This is supported by our financial strategy, which makes it clear that while we still expect to be running deficits for the next couple of years, we will be looking to return to balanced budgets in 2024 to 2025."


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