13 December 2021

​The public inquiry into the planning application to develop the Overdale site for the Our Hospital project will open on Monday 28 March 2022, at St Paul's Centre.
Last month, the Environment Minister announced he had called the inquiry into the application and appointed Philip Staddon as the independent inspector. The Minister, Deputy John Young, is now in a position to confirm the timescale and announce further details about the location and process for submitting comments.
The inquiry will open at 9.30am on 28 March and is expected to last one week, concluding on Friday 1 April 2022. It will assess the plans against the Island Plan policies that are in place at the time of the inquiry.
Deputy Young said: "The inquiry will have a theme-based format, exploring different aspects of the application proposal. This approach will be set out in an Inquiry Programme, which will be published in advance. I encourage Islanders to look through the application and participate in this process so that their voices can be heard."
Anyone wishing to make a representation, known as a 'Statement of Case' will need to make their submission in writing by midnight on Sunday 23 January 2022. These should not exceed 1,500 words and must include name and address.
Those who wish to add to their 'Statement of Case' may submit a more detailed 'Proof of Evidence', which must be received by midnight on Sunday 20 February 2022. There is no word limit for 'Proof of Evidence', but the submission should include a summary not exceeding 3,000 words.
Submissions should be emailed for the attention of the Inquiry Programme Officer at planning@gov.je or sent by post to: Mrs Helen Wilson, Our Hospital Programme Officer c/o IHE (Regulation), Philip Le Feuvre House, La Motte Street, St Helier, JE4 8PE. Comments will be published and attributed, but contact details and personal information will be redacted.
The plans and documents submitted with the Our Hospital application can be viewed on the online planning register, and in person at Jersey Library.