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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Laptops delivered to Jersey students for home learning

16 December 2021

​More than 180 refurbished laptops are being delivered to students in Jersey who do not have access to suitable devices for home learning.

The laptops, provided by Deloitte, will be distributed in partnership with Every Child Our Future (ECOF) and the Government of Jersey to students in Haute Vallée School and Les Quennavais School.

The delivery of laptops is a direct result of the social value initiative from the Government of Jersey's Integrated Technology Solution (ITS) Programme – a five-year Government modernisation programme that will ultimately help to improve public services by implementing new ways of working underpinned by modern, fit for purpose technology. It is one part of a comprehensive set of social value commitments from ITS Programme Partners including Deloitte, Sysdoc, and WARM Solutions LTD.  

This commitment furthers the relationship between Deloitte and ECOF, established in June 2019, which has also delivered numeracy programmes at Springfield and First Tower Schools.

The first delivery of 94 laptops will be made to Haute Vallée School this week.

Head Teacher Stuart Hughes said: "We are delighted to be in receipt of such a generous and much needed donation at this time of year. The laptops will be distributed to students based upon need so that all online learning in preparation for GCSE can be readily accessed at home. It is generosity of this kind that makes a significant positive impact and has the potential to change lives. I would like to pass on my appreciation from the whole Haute Vallée community to Deloitte, Government of Jersey (ITS Programme) and Every Child Our Future for this important initiative putting children and young people first."

The Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Scott Wickenden, said: "Online learning has been especially important over the past year. During the pandemic, the Government of Jersey, Digital Jersey and all four local telecoms companies teamed up to offer free broadband connection to households with school children and those leaving care. Earlier this year, a total of ÂŁ380,000 was secured to support school students with additional online learning devices, following a major community and Government partnership project.

"I would like to thank Deloitte, Every Child Our Future and the Government of Jersey's Integrated Technology Solution (ITS) Programme for collaborating and working together to ensure that we could supply more laptops to those students who need them."

Craig Barlow, ITS Programme Director, said: "Providing social value for the Jersey community is a major part of our ITS Programme commitment to the Island. The ITS Programme will not only help to provide better public services by implementing new ways of working across Government through modern technology, but we're also making a difference directly to the people of Jersey. Delivering laptops to students is the start and we sincerely hope it helps with their future education."

Martin Rowley, Partner at Deloitte, said: "As part of our 5 Million Futures social impact strategy, Deloitte is proud to support 180 Jersey futures in our campaign and we're delighted today to continue our strong connections and work with Every Child Our Future in the Island."

Cris Lakeman, CEO of Every Child Our Future, said: "Every Child Our Future supports children in Jersey with the educational foundations they need to thrive. By working in partnership with Deloitte we have been able to facilitate the gift of quality laptops, this will ensure that pupils can access learning at home."

Photo caption - left to right:

Back row – Craig Barlow, Government of Jersey ITS Programme; Cris Lakeman, ECOF; Martin Rowley, Deloitte; Stuart Hughes, Head Teacher Haute Vallée School.
Front row – Year 7 students from Haute Vallée School

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