13 December 2021

ā€‹Regulations to help keep adult care providers fully open and well-supported, when faced with staff shortages specifically linked to Covid-19 cases, have been reinstated by the Environment Minister, (effective from tomorrow, Tuesday 14 December).
The provisions were initially suspended by the States in April of this year, but with the powers for the Minister to reintroduce them should they be required.
Under the Regulations, the Jersey Care Commission may allow a care provider to, in certain cases, use staff to perform tasks which would usually need to be carried out by more experienced or qualified employees.
Providers will only be able to utilise less-qualified staff for one month, after which they would need to provide fresh evidence if they remain short-staffed due to Covid-19. Providers will still need to ensure staff are DBS checked.
The Minister for Environment, Deputy John Young, said: "I have been advised by the Jersey Care Commission that there are a small number of care homes and providers experiencing staff shortages, caused by Covid-19. Staff have not been able to go into work either because they have the virus themselves or live with, or have had close contact with, someone who has tested positive.
"The reinstatement of this order will help ensure vulnerable Islanders continue to receive the care they need, and that the care suppliers are not faced with potential fines for operating outside the law. We need to keep our care homes as close to fully-operational as possible, but of course with measures in place to ensure they can be run safely."