19 February 2021

Islanders who are clinically at risk (moderate risk), aged between 45-54, will receive letters inviting them to
book their vaccine appointments from Monday 22 February.
Clinically at-risk Islanders are a specific group of individuals who have additional risks if they become infected with COVID-19. These risk factors have been set out by the Joint Committee of Vaccinations and Immunisations based on strong evidence that certain conditions increase the risk of severe illness or mortality from COVID-19.
Appointments are dependent on vaccine availability and letters will specify exact dates of when these groups can book their vaccination appointments.
Moderate risk Islanders aged 45-54: Bookings open and appointments start Monday 22 February
Moderate risk Islanders aged 16-44: Bookings open and appointments start Wednesday 24 February
Young carers to those who are elderly or disabled and those with moderate health conditions, who are aged 16 and 17, will be offered the Pfizer vaccine and will receive phone calls to invite them to book.
Islanders within this moderate risk group and anyone else who is under 70, cannot invite any younger household members to receive the vaccine at the same time, as was available in other tiers, due to the increased number of eligible Islanders in this group and limits to vaccine supply. 
Vaccine invite letters have already been sent to 55-64-year olds within this group, carers (16+) of any elderly or disabled Islanders who are receiving a Home Carer’s Allowance or unpaid carers known to their GP or community service.
If Islanders aged 45+ believe they are at moderate risk but do not receive a letter on Monday, they should check the 
guidance for those at higher risk for advice. If there are still concerns, they are advised to contact their GP.