02 March 2021

Following advice from the Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Dr Ivan Muscat, Ministers have agreed to maintain isolation requirements for any student returning to Jersey.
All returning students will be subject to the Safer Travel Policy requirements which remain as all arrivals being treated as Red arrivals. Red arrivals must isolate for a minimum of 10 days and receive three PCR tests on Day 0, Day 5 and Day 10. Only once a negative Day 10 result has been confirmed can they then leave isolation.
Dr Muscat said: "Our border controls remain one of our highest risks for new cases of the virus to enter and spread in Jersey. Due to the high COVID activity in the UK, it remains sensible to maintain our restrictions for all passengers."
Boarding school students were given exemptions last year due to being somewhat isolated from their surrounding communities where COVID was more prevalent. However, they will not be receiving the same exemptions for the upcoming holidays.
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf said: "The health of Islanders remains our priority. Our COVID-19 Vaccination Programme will soon open to all Islanders over 50-year-old which marks a significant amount of work achieved by the vaccination team. While vulnerable Islanders continue to be protected, we must be very cautious about the mix of restrictions we gradually ease and think about how they work together holistically. No one measure operates in isolation, we must always consider the potential impact across services and the Island."
Further updates to travel requirements ahead of the summer holidays can be expected in the coming months. Parents are being made aware who have contacted the Government for exemptions.
The Safer Travel Policy guidance can be found online at www.gov.je. Failure to self-isolate when required to is a criminal offence with a potential fine of £1,000. Those who choose not to take part in the testing regime, will need to isolate for 14 days from arriving.