15 July 2022

Extreme hot weather warning and school update
The Island is experiencing a prolonged period of high temperatures and while many Islanders enjoy the warm weather, it is important to take simple precautions to look after ourselves and those at risk.
Temperatures are expected to rise steadily through the weekend and peak on Monday. A maximum temperature range of 35-38°C on Monday has been forecast, with overnight temperatures falling to around 22 to 23°C into Tuesday
Extreme heat can cause heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and dehydration. Older people and children are particularly at risk. Some simple steps that everyone can take to cope in hot weather include:
Shutting windows, shades, blinds, or curtains to keep your rooms as cool as possible.
- If possible, staying out of the sun for long periods and avoid the hottest part of the day, which could be later in the afternoon.
- Wearing sunscreen and hats when outside.
- Having cool baths or showers.
- Drinking plenty of water. Avoid tea, coffee, and alcohol.
- Wearing loose, cool clothing.
- Help those who are likely to struggle in the heat
- Ensure that babies, young children, and pets are not locked into vehicles.
Headteachers have also been asked to make a risk assessment in how they manage their schools next week, on 18 and 19 July, during the exceptional weather conditions.
The Strategic Coordination Group and Public Health have recommended not to close all schools. Instead, headteachers have been asked to risk assess the health, safety, and well-being of their staff and pupils in the context of their individual school environment.
Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Inna Gardiner, said: “I place my high trust in head teachers as leaders of their schools who are best placed to make decisions and have the ability to plan to minimise disruption for children and their families and also ensure the health, safety and well-being of students and staff in their school.
“We recognise the impact of making these difficult decisions will have on both students, staff and families, especially at the end of term with celebrations, sports days, leavers assemblies planned. However, we must ensure we take proactive health protection measures for the health and safety and well-being of students and staff. Officers at the department will continue to provide support and advice during this time including advice for schools and other education settings during a heatwave.”
Director of Public Health, Professor Peter Bradley, said: “It is vital that Islanders, especially those at risk, take these necessary precautions over the next week as we are expecting temperatures to reach into the mid-30s on Monday. I encourage everyone to look out for those that are vulnerable to extreme heat and less able to look after themselves. That includes older people, people with other medical conditions, babies, and younger children”
Ways to spot someone who may be suffering from heat-related illnesses:
- Heat cramps
- Small rashes
- Dizziness and fainting
- Exhaustion
- Disorientation and confusion
- Hot dry skin
The Emergency Services will be working particularly hard during this spell of hot weather. Islanders are asked to only call for an ambulance in a real emergency.