17 May 2022

Activities to mark Foster Care Fortnight (9-22 May) are continuing this week, with events taking place for current and potential foster carers. Foster Care Fortnight is an annual campaign to raise awareness of fostering and to acknowledge the positive impact foster carers have on the lives of the children in their care.
Islanders who are interested in becoming foster carers can find out more at a series of pop-up events in the Central Market between 10am and 3pm on Tuesday 17, Wednesday 18 and Saturday 21 May.
Staff from the Fostering Service will be available to answer questions about all the practicalities of fostering, and the support and training available for foster carers and the children they care for.
Meanwhile, nearly 100 foster and adoptive parents, practitioners, and care-experienced people attended the Fostering and Adoption Awards ceremony on Saturday 14 May.
The awards celebrated the work, time and effort that goes into making a positive impact on children in Jersey who need care. Members of the public (including previously fostered children over the age of 12) were invited to nominate a foster carer or connected person carer. The winners were:
- Long Term Foster Carer Award – The Godefroy family
- Outstanding contribution to Fostering – The Camara family
- Outstanding commitment to Fostering – The Young family
- Specialist Short Breaks Award – The Shaw family
- Intensive Fostering Carer Award – Sarah Cohen
- Respite/Short Break Foster Carer – The Le Vescontes family
- Emergency Foster Care Award – The Hopkins family
- Connected Foster Carer Award – Sarah Pereira and Brandon Wheelan
- Young Person's Choice Award – Lauren Burnett