28 September 2022

​Two key documents have been published which set out Jersey’s approach to combatting
financial crime:
• The National Strategy for Combatting Money Laundering, the Financing of Terrorism and
the Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction sets out how Jersey will
meet its long-term commitment to prevent and detect all forms of financial crime, and
presents a detailed action plan for increasing the effectiveness of the Island’s regime.
• The National Statement on Financial Services and Financial Crime: Activities, Risk Appetite
and Mitigation outlines the mains sources and types of risk that Jersey faces as an
international finance centre, and provides a framework for how the Island identifies and
mitigates those risks.
The Minister for Treasury and Resources, who has responsibility for the financial services
sector, Deputy Ian Gorst, said: “We have a clear vision for the future of financial services,
and that is for Government, industry, regulators, agencies and other stakeholders to
work together.
“We want to create an environment in which the industry can continue to thrive. We will
do that by facilitating its digital transformation, its transition into being a leading centre
for sustainable finance, and – importantly – through its continued compliance with
global standards.
“Together the strategy and statement create a clear plan for how Jersey will deliver
against its commitment to combatting financial crime in all its forms and how we
continue to play our role as a responsible global citizen.”
More than 250 senior members of the financial services sector were briefed on Wednesday
28 September on the new documents as part of Government’s continued
engagement with industry, under its “Combatting Financial Crime Together” initiative.
The documents are available on gov.je:
National Statement on Financial Services and Financial Crime: Activities, Risk Appetite and Mitigation
National Strategy for Combatting Money Laundering, the Financing of Terrorism and the Financing of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction