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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

December Labour Market report published

29 April 2022

​Statistics Jersey have today published the December 2021 Labour Market report.

Jersey's labour market report is published every six months and covers key aspects of the job market for both the private and public sector. 

In December 2021

  • The total number of jobs was 62,260. There was an annual increase of 2,240 jobs (3.7%) since December 2020.
  • There were 53,470 jobs in the private sector. This was an annual increase of 1,970 jobs (3.8%).
  • There were 8,790 jobs in the public sector. This was an annual increase of 260 jobs (3.0%).

At a sectoral level

  • Six sectors saw notable annual increases in jobs; the largest increase was of 610 jobs in hotels, restaurants and bars, which was the second-largest increase recorded in any sector since the introduction of the Control of Housing and Work Law in July 2013, with this sector’s increase of 700 in June 2021 being the largest. The only sector that saw a notable annual decrease in jobs was agriculture and fishing, down 70 jobs.
  • The annual increase of 260 jobs in the public sector was driven by an increase of 310 in the number of Government of Jersey (GOJ) core employees (permanent and fixed term employees).
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