19 October 2022
New planning guidance has been published for consultation, which if adopted would restrict the
development of new large homes in Jersey.
This forms part of the Chief Minister’s 100 Day Plan, where Deputy Kristina Moore asked for work
to be done to introduce limits on the number of houses that can be built over 3,000 square feet, to
help tackle the housing crisis.
Minister for Environment, Deputy Jonathan Renouf, has issued two pieces of draft supplementary
planning guidance.
The first refers to new guidelines for the density of homes in the built-up area, to encourage
optimum efficiency in the use of land, with a presumption against new large homes.
The second refers to the development of new homes in the countryside, aimed at encouraging
better use of existing dwellings through sub-division or extension; and the conversion of listed
buildings and traditional farm buildings, again with a presumption against new large homes.
The supplementary guidance also delivers on some of the proposals in the bridging Island Plan. It
sets out minimum density standards for development schemes of five or more homes in the
Island’s built-up areas including the town of St Helier, Les Quennevais, and parish centres.
guidance also seeks to ensure that residential development in town does not become
“hyperdense” and allows for the inclusion of green and open spaces within developments.
Deputy Jonathan Renouf said: “This draft guidance sets out how we might better manage the
development of large homes. Such properties are well beyond the reach of most Islanders and do
little to help meet our pressing housing needs, which are for affordable and family homes.
“We need to make better use of land that is already developed, so when proposals for
redevelopment come forward in our built-up areas we need to optimise the density of new
development. This should not, however, be at the expense of the local character and identity of the
area. This new guidance describes how we can successfully integrate denser forms of development
into town and other urban centres.
“In the countryside we want to restrict the development of very large houses at a time of housing
shortage. We also know that many owner-occupied homes are not used to their full potential and
this guidance sets out how new homes might be created by sub-dividing or extending existing
dwellings, or by converting traditional old barns and listed buildings to residential use.
“This guidance provides a tool to guide planning decisions. But before I adopt it, I would like to
hear what people think about the measures, and I would very much encourage people to let us
know their thoughts on the proposals.”
The consultation is open until 30 November on www.gov.je/consultation