30 March 2022

A number of La Moye prisoners have taken part in a crocheting project to support local charities.
Prisoners from the female wing started on their mission in January this year, producing a number of lap blankets for Jersey Hospice Care. The project then developed, and the prisoners are now creating blankets for Project Linus, a non-profit organisation that distributes the blankets to causes such as hospital wards, shelters and social services. To date, around 40 blankets have been produced and donated by the prison.
Prison officer Da Silva said: 'Giving the women a chance to be part of this project has been fantastic; not only has this helped with their well-being while in custody, some of the females have also learnt a new skill which is transferable for when they leave prison. They are all thoroughly enjoying being able to give back to charities and the wider community, it has been extremely rewarding for them'.
Prisoner, Carla, added: 'This project has been great; giving us something purposeful and meaningful to do, with the opportunity to crochet for charities we know we will make a huge difference to. Being a part of this project has also helped improve our mental health and positive wellbeing by learning a new skill. Thank you for helping us help others!'
Sarah Jordan of Project Linus said: 'Over the last 12 years Project Linus has been donating handmade blankets to children, from birth to 18, in Jersey, who need a physical or emotional hug. We've found that in addition to benefitting recipients, the charity also benefits those who make the blankets, particularly those who are elderly and alone, and the ladies in La Moye as it helps them find a purpose and feel useful.'
All of the materials used to make the blankets have been donated by prisoners' family and friends, or the prison's staff and chaplaincy team. If you would like to make a donation, please contact GAOLChaplaincyTeam@gov.je
More information on Project Linus, can be found here