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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Teachers’ Survey shows impact of pandemic

07 April 2022

​The Government has today released the results of the 2021/2022 Teachers' Survey, which demonstrate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching staff, schools and students. A report on student statistics has also been released.

The survey has run every two years since 2015 and offers teachers and lecturers the chance to share their experiences and opinions. The latest survey repeats earlier questions around well-being and pupil behaviour to allow for comparisons. It also introduces new questions on the impact of COVID-19 and flexible working. 

As well as the 2021 data this report contains the 2019 data, which was not finalised due to COVID-19-related staffing pressures.

The data outlines the scale of the impact on staff and pupils, including: 

  • 60% of teachers and 86% of senior leaders said that COVID had negatively affected their work/life balance
  • 56% of teachers rated their general health as good or very good, which is lower than in previous years
  • 43% of teachers felt well paid for what they do, which reduced for 52% in 2019
  • 80% of teachers had noticed an increase in stress, anxiety, and panic attacks amongst pupils since the start of the pandemic 
The survey also highlights areas of continuity, including:
  • 79% of teachers expressed that they are satisfied or very satisfied with their job, the same level as in 2019
  • 59% of teachers has considered leaving their role in the last 12 months: this was similar to previous years
  • Experiences of unacceptable behaviour were similar to 2019, although 50% of teachers felt that COVID-19 had negatively impacted on pupil behaviour

Group Director of Education, Seán O'Regan, said: "I am proud that our teachers, senior leaders and support staff have risen so well to the many challenges posed by COVID-19. But from speaking to them, I also know that this has taken a toll on their well-being and mental health.

"There is a range of support in place for all Government of Jersey staff, including those in schools and colleges. This includes access to resources, information and advice, as well as access to counselling, where appropriate.

"Covid challenges are still with us, but as we continue to move out of the crisis phase of the pandemic, we have already started to plan our responses to our teachers' concerns, both for themselves and for Jersey's children and young people. We are doing this through working with school leaders, teachers' unions and professional associations, and officers across the Government of Jersey."


The full report is available online via the Government of Jersey website:

Jersey Teachers' Survey 2021 to 2022

Schools, pupils and their characteristics

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