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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Updates to Covid Status Certification

13 May 2022

ā€‹From today, digital Covid Status Certificates (CSC) evidencing up to 5 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine will be available for Islanders to generate on the CSC self-service portal or upon request to the Coronavirus Helpline. Previously only the latest three doses were available on the certificates.

Additionally, digital vaccination certificates will now only include a single QR code evidencing an Islander's most recent vaccination dose. This is to simplify the process for Islanders using their vaccination certificate for travel purposes, as only a QR code for the latest vaccination dose is required. Islanders can generate an updated certificate and QR code at any time by logging into the portal or calling the Helpline during their opening hours. 

Certificates generated on the CSC portal and downloaded into a Google or Apple wallet now have an extended expiry of 6 months (180 days). PDF certificates sent via email through the Coronavirus Helpline or the CSC email function will continue to expire after 30 days of issue.

The CSC portal is available 24/7 for Islanders to self-generate their digital certificates. To generate a certificate in the portal, Islanders require the Yoti app on their mobile device and a OneGov account. For more information, visit: Vaccination and COVID Status Certification (

Officers continue to develop the CSC portal to offer more services in the future.

Islanders are reminded to check the COVID-19 travel requirements of the destination country they are travelling to. Some places request a vaccination record, negative test result, or evidence of a recent COVID-19 recovery. For those travelling to Jersey or returning home, there are no COVID-19 restrictions at Jersey's borders.

Certificates are formatted in line with UK and the EU-DCC specifications. 

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