01 February 2023

​Islanders are now able to separately dispose of unwanted wood at La Collette’s Household
Recycling and Re-use Centre.
The new wood reuse skip allows Islanders to segregate wooden items from other materials being
deposited at the Centre. This is part of an ongoing effort to reduce waste, and reuse natural
materials in the Island.
Wood that is painted, varnished, badly damaged, split, rotten or containing woodworm is not
Accepted at the wood re-use skip
• beams/joists
• roof trusses
• hardwoods
• sheet material MDF/plywood
• floorboards
• scaffold boards
• large natural coloured pallet boards
All the material will be sent to Acorn in Trinity, where larger and complete items of wood will be
prepared and sorted for re-sale to the public. The remainder will be processed into kindling and
other wood fuel products.
Senior Operations Manager at Recycling, Piers Tharme, said: “We have been working closely with
Acorn for a number of years and are always looking at new ways to support initiatives like the
Woodshack to ensure materials are re-used
“Last week we installed the wood re-use skip at the Household Recycling and Reuse Centre which
should help with the flow of reusable wood. It’s great to see Islanders have already started using
the skip; reusing materials is always the best option to reduce waste and in turn reduce the effect
of other disposal methods on the environment.”